1994 Freightliner Pierce FL-70
Current pump test - Topmount pump!Firetec ID: | 13920 |
Truck Category | Pumping Engine |
Make | Pierce |
Model Year | 1994 |
Model | FL-70 |
Chassis | Freightliner |
Engine Type | diesel |
Engine Make | Cummins |
Engine Model | C8.3 |
Transmission | automatic |
Gallons Per Minute | 1250 |
Tank Size | 1000 |
Tank Material | Poly |
Height | 9'9" |
Length | 33' |
Color | red |
Mileage | 41,592 |
Price | Asking $ 50,000 |
Equipment included in the Sale | Onspot chains, A/c in cab, Zyco lifts for ladders & 6" suction hose w/floating dock pre-mounted to one of the hard sleeve sections, full-depth compartments, LED scene lights. |
Other Information | pump test 11/14/23 |
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